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SAI 2022 COMPETITION First Prize (duo)


Photo by bozzo

J48_岩本大紀_Iwamoto Taiki.jpg


振付:岩本 大紀



Choreograpger:Iwamoto Taiki

Performer:Iwamoto Taiki, Watanabe Akane


副題 出会う前に戻れぬ骨は誰が骨か。元来、日本において女性は神格化されることが多かった。
伊邪那美のような狂気も醜悪さも当たり前のように彼女たちの中にはあるというのに 。

From ancient times womanly figures were often the subject of defication as part of the nature. Today, the female form is over-glorified with aspects desired by men highlighted, men who are often in the position of defining these standards.

We dream to return to a time before Adam and Eve took the forbidden fruit, when the pure animalistic side of humans and relationships was present.

Billions of years ago, we, just single cells, had achieved intelligence. Then we learned loneliness, joy of mingling and…

Living, Moving, Touching, and Receiving answers.

And now our bodies are hear, in every single moment, with full of hearty love.


岩本 大紀 Iwamoto Taiki


近年はダンサーとしても活動の幅を広げており、2021年には日生劇場『INSPIRE陰陽師』演出・山田淳也 振付・辻本知彦 にて舞踏家としてソロを担当。映像作品『象徴の化石』振付・演出 平原慎太郎、 踊る戯曲『FRIEND』振付・演出 スズキ拓朗、オリンピック2020閉会式 などに出演。また、海外のファッション雑誌のモデルとしても活躍。アメリカやニュージーランドのファッション誌にモデルとして参加している。
2021年に女性メンバーのみの舞踏カンパニー〖伊邪那美〗を設立。若手メンバーと共に舞踏の可能性と女性の地球への帰化を掲げ日々研鑽している。2022年 SAI DANCE FESTIVAL デュオ部門 優秀賞受賞。

Butoh dancer,  model, actor

Born in 1991. Born in Shibushi City, Kagoshima Prefecture. After graduating from High School, moved to Tokyo to become an actor. Studied contemporary dance at J. F. Oberlin University with Kuniko Kisanuki and Ryohei Kondo (Condors). Studied theater under Tatsuo Kaneshita (Theatre Groupe Gazira).
Later, he opened the door to the butoh company Sankai Juku. Utilizing his body cultivated through martial arts, he is currently the youngest butoh dancer to perform on the Sankai Juku stage. In the past, he has performed in Paris, Italy, Germany, Brazil, the U.S., etc, he had participated in Sankai Juku performance.
In recent years, he has been expanding his activities as a dancer. In 2021, he will take part in "INSPIRE Yin-Yang-Shi" directed by Junya Yamada and choreographed by Tomohiko Tsujimoto at Nissay Theatre as a solo butoh dancer. Choreographed and directed "Symbolic Fossil" by Shintaro Hirahara Choreographed and directed "FRIEND", choreographed by Takuro Suzuki Performed in the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games 2020, etc. He has also worked as a model for international fashion magazines. He has modeled for fashion magazines in the U.S. and New Zealand.
He continues to create his own works on themes such as "existence and contradiction" and "distrust of human beings. In 2021, she will start a butoh company with only female member "Izanami" will be established in 2021. With young members, she is studying daily with the possibility of Butoh and the return of women to the earth. In 2022, He won the Excellent Prize in the Duo Division of SAI DANCE FESTIVAL.

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